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Ledeclic : en attendant la Thaïlande.

Ledelic est un blog qui s'adresse à tout les passionnés de la Thaïlande.

Toutes les informations utiles sont disponibles sur ce site pour bien préparer son voyage !

Sur le site vous retrouverez une rubrique dédiée au pays, à son histoire, à son culture, à ses us, à sa politique et à son économie.

Je vous emmènerez également à la découverte des meilleures endroits de Thaïlande, de Krabi à Chang Mai, en passant par Bangkok. Iles, restaurant, temples...

Une rubrique dédiées aux informations utiles aux voyageurs vous informera sur les visas, les saisons, la météo, les fullmoons...

Les expatriés ne seront pas en reste avec une rubrique qui leur est consacrée : Permis et visas de travail, mariage, finance...

Toutes les semaines, une vidéos reprenant l'actualité qui a fait le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux Thaïlandais.

Et enfin cela sera une occasion de parler langage et gastronomie en suivant mes cours !
thailande, bangkok, phuket, pattaya, Samui
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The professional publishing platform

Welcome to Ghost

Hey! Welcome to Ghost, it's great to have you :)

We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial Getting Started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time. This is the first one!

There are a few things that

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Using the Ghost editor

Ghost uses a language called Markdown to format text.

When you go to edit a post and see special characters and colours intertwined between the words, those are Markdown shortcuts which tell Ghost what to do with the words in your document. The biggest benefit of Markdown is that you

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Organising your content with tags

Ghost has a single, powerful organisational taxonomy, called tags.

It doesn't matter whether you want to call them categories, tags, boxes, or anything else. You can think of Ghost tags a lot like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Managing Ghost users

Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team


The base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can write posts, edit their own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you don't trust users to be allowed to publish their own

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Making your site private

Sometimes you might want to put your site behind closed doors

If you've got a publication that you don't want the world to see yet because it's not ready to launch, you can hide your Ghost site behind a simple shared pass-phrase.

You can toggle this preference on at the

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Advanced Markdown tips

There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Ghost editor

If you've gotten pretty comfortable with all the basics of writing in Ghost, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about the types of things you can do with Markdown!

As with the last post about

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

Setting up your own Ghost theme

Creating a totally custom design for your publication

Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving

Posté le 02.09.2018 | 08:01

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